The Reynolds Company's decades of proven history of manufacturing adhesives with ZERO heat street failures…
May 2020 Virtual Sales Meeting

The Reynolds Company held its first-ever “Virtual Sales Meeting” on Zoom. The “Spring Sales Meeting,” originally slated for April, was to be held in beautiful Greenville, S.C., home of our manufacturing facility. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and restrictions, the sales meeting was rescheduled to May 27 and held via video conferencing. The 14-person sales team located throughout the United States along with the Reynolds management team strategized on how to leverage success in today’s ever-changing markets.
Jack Killen Sales Excellence Award
The Reynolds Company “Jack Killen Sales Excellence Award” honors our Sales Team who meet and exceed their growth goals for the fiscal year.
This year, the recipients are Wendell Bruce and Clay Sistrunk. Wendell, a seven-year sales team member in our Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana region has 20 years in the adhesives industry. Clay, a 14-year sales team member works in our Tennessee region and has 30 years of sales experience in the adhesives industry. Congratulations to both of these guys for a job well done.