Please join The Reynolds Company in honoring Dave Crisp as he retires, having worked with…
Dave Haluska Joins Reynolds as Vice President of Sales & Distribution
The Reynolds Company is pleased to introduce Mr. Dave Haluska as the new Vice President of Sales & Distribution. He joined the company on May 15th and will attend the Spring Sales Meeting later this month.
Dave’s professional career began with Nalco Chemical in 1997 (Eco-Labs), where he learned and mastered his selling skills and philosophy. That philosophy focuses on bringing value to his customers above and beyond his competition.
After leaving Nalco, Dave spent 18 years in the adhesive industry working for two large distributors, Applied Products and BC Adhesives. Dave spent 11 years with Applied Products in a sales leadership role where he drove several developmental projects from conception to commercialization. After Applied Products, he joined BC Adhesives as General Manager, where he developed a sales culture based upon the firm’s becoming a “Value Add” distributor. His contribution changed the sales culture of BC Adhesives and propelled the firm to be a leading adhesive distribution company in the United States with solid growth and unprecedented profitability. In his sales management role at BC Adhesives, he was involved in determining key strategies for sourcing products and opening new markets.
Dave graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he played football and ran track. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.
Dave and his wife, Wendy, live in Waukesha, Wisconsin. They have two children, Sam and Hannah.
We are pleased to welcome Dave to The Reynolds Company and are optimistic he will be a vital asset for the company for many years.